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CE 2797: MaiLi devices are intended for the correction of facial wrinkles or folds, for the definition or enhancement of the lips, and for the restoration or enhancement of facial volume. MaiLi is also indicated for scar tissue treatment and volume lost by HIV-associated lipoatrophy.


CE 2797: MaiLi devices are intended for the correction of facial wrinkles or folds, for the definition or enhancement of the lips, and for the restoration or enhancement of facial volume. MaiLi is also indicated for scar tissue treatment and volume lost by HIV-associated lipoatrophy

Important Safety Considerations:

Like all procedures of this type there is a possibility of adverse events, although not everybody experiences them. These adverse events include but are not limited to infection, minimal acute inflammatory tissue reaction (redness, swelling, rash, oedema, erythema, lumps/nodules etc.), pain (which may be temporary or persistent in nature), transient haematoma or bruising. For a full list consult Instructions for Use.

The onset of any side effect must be reported immediately. Please contact the local Sinclair representative or authorised MaiLi distributor. Alternatively send the details to Sinclair on: quality@sinclairpharma.com

For a full list of contraindications, warnings and precautions for this product please refer to the Product Instructions for Use.